釋明光法師: 請多念佛誦經回向 尼泊爾地震傷亡有情
能付出愛心就是福,能消除煩惱就是慧。 One who has a heart of love has blessings; one who can eliminate worry has wisdom. Although the Buddha never gave cause for people to dislike him, there were people who did, sometimes out of jealousy, sometimes because they disagreed with his Dharma and sometimes because he held up their beliefs to the cold light of reason. Once, when he was staying at Kapilavatthu, Dandapani the Sakyan asked him what he taught and when the Buddha told him, Dandapani was not impressed, "shaking his head, wagging his tongue he departed leaning on his stick, his brow furrowed into three wrinkles". The Buddha did not chase after him trying to convince him of the truth of his message. The Buddha responded to all criticism by calmly and clearly explaining why he did what he did and where necessary correcting misunderstanding that gave rise to the criticism. He was always unflustered, polite and smiling in the face of criticism and he urged his disciples to be the same. "If anyone should criticise me, the Dharma or the Sangha, you should not on that account be angry, resentful or upset. For if you were, that would hinder you, and you would be unable to know whether they said right or wrong, would you?" "No, Lord." "So, if others criticise me, the Dharma or the Sangha, then simply explain what is incorrect, saying: 'That is incorrect, that is not right, that is not our way, and we do not do that." Sometimes the Buddha was not criticised but rather abused 'with rude, harsh words'. At such times, he usually maintained a dignified silence. ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● ◎ ● Author: Venerable Shravasti Dhammika Source: The Buddha and His Disciples
牟尼佛法流通網 釋大寬法師 合十 分享 Muni-Buddha Net Master Dakuan
釋大寬法師 Master Dakuan shared Buddha 佛陀's photo.
佛說療痔病經 (預防治療癌症之佛經) 真實神奇感應 sutra
有一位來精舍參加共修法會的蓮友(不方便說名字),男眾,大約五十幾歲,忽然得到帕金森氏症,去醫院檢查,結果發現還得到肺癌末期,醫生建議要開刀化療。那時候他有回來精舍禮佛,看起來臉色非常黯黑,行動遲緩,大概每個人看到他都會覺得他命不久了吧!? 沒想到,過了幾個月的時間,他又來精舍,氣色看起來就跟平常人沒兩樣。 牟尼佛法流通網 釋大寬法師 合十 分享 ... iki/920454577997373
佛說療痔病經 wiki
為什麼師父會說: 修楞嚴法門是「不可能的任務」呢?
今天作功課唸到楞嚴經卷七時,諸多金剛菩薩及龍天護法,發心護持楞嚴咒修行人,不禁感動涕淚俱下....第一次唸楞嚴經唸到這麼感動...嗚...嗚...! 只是有點奇怪,明明經上有這麼多金剛護法發心護持修楞嚴經的人,為什麼 大寬師父會說:修楞嚴經是不可能的任務呢? 為什麼修楞嚴經的人會有所謂魔的反作用力呢? 我不懂?
海濤法師 放生感應事蹟 (放生功德不可思議) buddha wiki
海濤法師: 我自己來講一講,自己放生的一些實際的感應...我看了一眼,我以為我在做夢,為什麼?外面的鳥各種不一樣,我們高雄沒什麼鳥了,偶爾一隻麻雀已經不錯了,結果一打開,外面各種不一樣,而且都是一對一對一對的,我在想說奇怪,我在睡午覺嗎?又看一看不是在睡午覺,外面各種不一樣的鳥,好漂亮飛來飛去...。 牟尼佛法流通網 釋大寬法師 合十 分享
大寶法王 噶瑪巴 The Karmapa 說明禪修呼吸的不同方法,其中之一是去數我們的呼吸:「不過,數息也可能有困難,可能會讓我們分心。雖然每個人的情況不同,但對許多人來說,數息反而會有問題。有些禪修呼吸的傳統不用數息,只是單純的觀照吸氣和吐氣,讓心只是單純的覺知呼吸,安住在吸氣和吐氣上。我想這也許比數息要好。」 「至於心專注在呼吸上時,我們要如何呼吸呢?」大寶法王繼續說明:「我們的呼吸就像平常一樣自然,不用特別去控制,不需要用力呼吸,也不需要變慢或加快呼吸。我特別提出這點是因為有時大家會認為,專注於呼吸的禪修法可能需要特別控制呼吸。但這裡不需要如此,跟平常一樣的呼吸就好,不用特別費力。」 「原因是我們每天都要呼吸好幾萬遍,但我們通常卻不經意,時常對於自己正在呼吸完全沒感覺。我們一直都在呼吸,但卻沒有注意到這個事實。在這裡我們要做的,便是把心放在呼吸上,注意到我們的呼吸。」 大寶法王 噶瑪巴 在南紐澤西,為行宮會員開示禪修要點。 The Karmapa reflected on the methods used for meditating on the breath, noting that one way is to count the breath. “But,” he observed, “counting can be difficult and actually become a distraction. This depends on the individual, but for many people, using the counting breath technique is problematic. There are other traditions in which one does not count the breath. One simply observes the in-breath and the out-breath, allowing one’s mind to be merely aware of the breathing, allowing one’s mind to rest on or in the exhalation and inhalation. I think this may be better than counting. “As for how one breathes when directing the mind to the breath,” he continued, “one should breathe naturally as one does usually. There is no special manipulation or control of the breathing. You do not try to breathe in and out with more force or slow down the breathing or speed it up or anything like that. I mention this because sometimes people expect that a technique where the mind is focused on the breathing would involve some kind of special manipulation or control of the breath, but in this case it does not. The breathing is ordinary. No special effort is needed.” “The point of this,” he said, “is that while we breathe tens of thousands of times every day, we usually pay no attention to it and are often completely unaware that we are breathing. We continue to breathe, but we do not notice that fact. Here what we are trying to do is notice the breath by directing our mind to it.” KTC-NJ Members Receive Pith Meditation Instructions