作者: kao1306 時間: 2014-10-9 13:20
have transcended, Not have destroyed.超越,而非摧毀。
5."Those who walk ever mindful, who have put away evil, who have destroyed the fetters, the wise ones, These verily in this world are Brahmanas."「弃除邪恶法,而常为正念,摧毀系缚尽,而成为觉者,彼等于此世,实为婆罗门。」
-----The Udâna-I.The Enlightenment自说经-I. 菩提品
http://sacred-texts.com/b ud/udn/udn1.htm作者: kao1306 時間: 2014-10-10 13:54
Commentary On the Udana's Verses自说经經文評論
Self observed, Not self restrained.觀察,而非約束。
I.-4. "He who has put away evil, who is humble, free from impurity, self restrained, versed in knowledge, leading a holy life,That man may be truly called a Brahmana. For him there are no desires anywhere in the world."「任何婆罗门,已除邪恶法,无憍慢之心,亦无污垢秽,約束自己心,修行通吠陀,唯彼婆罗门,得称婆罗门。则于任何处,彼无有渴望。」
-----The Udâna-I.The Enlightenment自说经-I. 菩提品
have transcended, Not have destroyed.超越,而非摧毀。
I.-5."Those who walk ever mindful, who have put away evil, who have destroyed the fetters, the wise ones, These verily in this world are Brahmanas."「弃除邪恶法,而常为正念,摧毀系缚尽,而成为觉者,彼等于此世,实为婆罗门。」
-----The Udâna-I.The Enlightenment自说经-I. 菩提品
has observed, Not has subdued.觀察,而非制御。
I.-6. "He who cherishes the forsaken and the unknown, who has subdued himself, Who stands firm in the truth, who has destroyed evil, and put away sin, That man I call a Brahmana."「珍愛貧賤,能自制御精勤立,诸惡罪愆除尽者,我称之为婆罗门。」
-----The Udâna-I.The Enlightenment自说经-I. 菩提品
--- (由於中譯版本-自说经-常有錯誤,可信度令人懷疑;以下起不再列中譯,請自行處理) ---
transcends, Not overcomes.
II.-1."How sweet the solitude of the peaceful, of him who has heard and perceived the Truth! Happy to be without malice! restraintful towards all beings! Happy are the passion-free! Happy he who overcomes Desire! To have removed the notion 'I am', that is the supreme joy!"
-----The Udâna- II.Mucilinda.
transcendence, Not destruction.
II.-2."Whatever of sensual pleasure there may be on earth, or in the kingdom of the gods,It is not worth a sixteenth part of the joy which springs from the destruction of Desire."
-----The Udâna- II.Mucilinda.
to transcend, Not to overcome.
II.-7. "The retinue of the gods and the unconverted, Clinging to the joys and delights of form, Depart into the power of the King of Death, To wither and to weep. But those who keep vigil by night and by day, And forsake all that is loveable in form;They truly dig up the root of sorrow, Hard is it to overcome the temptations. That lead unto Death."
-----The Udâna- II.Mucilinda.
is observed, Not is restrained
III.-5. "He who is engaged in meditation on the body, Who is restrained as to the 'five realms' of contact, That Bhikkhu, ever tranquil, will realize his own deliverance."
-----The Udâna-III."Nanda".
observes, Not overcomes.
IV.-2."He who keeps not watch over his body, Who is under the spell of false doctrines, Who succumbs to sloth and torpor, Such a one passes into the power of the Tempter. But he who keeps watch over his mind, Whose sphere is right thoughts, Who sets ever before him right doctrine, Who knows the 'rise and set' of things, Who overcomes sloth and torpor, That Bhikkhu escapes from all states of punishment."
-----The Udâna-IV."Meghiya."
the unobserved, Not the unrestrained.
IV.-8. "The unrestrained pierce others with their words, As one elephant pierces another elephant in battle. When the Bhikkhu, of uncorrupted heart, Hears the utterance of harsh words, He bears them with resignation."
-----The Udâna-IV."Meghiya."
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