作者: kao1306 時間: 2014-10-5 15:06
上面兩個是我正在使用的網站,共產黨的龜孫子只會到處破壞,甚至刪除我的文章。漢奸走狗賣國賊如此惡劣落後沒文化,超乎想像,中國大陸無非是人間地獄而已吧!作者: kao1306 時間: 2014-10-5 15:10
剷除破壞世界遺產的中國共產黨龜孫子--漢奸走狗賣國賊Eradicate the World Heritage destroyer : China Communist Party's turtle grandsons - collaborators, lackeys and traitors
the World Heritage network scriptures are suspected to be deliberate tampered and destroyed by the despicable China Communist Party's turtle grandson - collaborators, lackeys and traitors
南傳 巴利語佛典 經集---郭良鋆 譯 Theravada Buddhist Pali Sutta: Sutta Nipata --- translated by Guo Liang-jun
你看這個網站也是遭到同樣的破壞篡改:Look! this site also suffered the same deliberate tampering and destroying:
巴利經藏-小部-经 集Suttanipata
Pali Sutta - small part - Suttanipata
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