釋大寬法師 發表於 2015-6-12 21:19:50

釋傳喜法師 - 佛教出家人是眾生業障的清道伕。Wiki

釋傳喜法師 - 佛教出家人是眾生業障的清道伕。
Buddhist monks are just cleaners who help all living beings to clean away their evil karma.

我們人每天做的壞事簡直是不得了,鋪天蓋地,那為什麼我們還活得很自在呢? 我們看得見的,早上晨鐘三四點鐘,出家人敲起鐘鼓,唸著楞嚴咒,把天地之間清理乾淨。然後大家再醒過來的時候又過日子了,你不知道出家人早已經唸經,把這個世間清理過了。就好像那些環衛工人一樣,已經在掃大街了,一樣的,我們是什麼?我們出家人是眾生業障的清道伕啊。

The bad things we do every day are terrific which even black out the sky and cover up the earth. But the question is why we are still living so comfortably? We can see that at 3 or 4 am in the morning, the Buddhist monks ring the bell and then read the Shurangarma Mantra that makes the world clean. Then everyone just starts another day. However, you don't know the Buddhist monks have already chanted the sutras of the Buddha that help us clean our sins. They are just like the sanitation workers who get up early everyday to clean the street. So what are we? We are just cleaners who help all living beings to clean away their evil karma.

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