- 晝行要惜陰。日用要惜物。(中翻英翻譯) Cherish the hours (0篇回復)
- Etiquette and good manners foster harmony.(翻譯英翻中) 端正風俗 (0篇回復)
- The first-rate learning is self-motivated. (翻譯英翻中) 一等的學習 (0篇回復)
- Don't be proud of your talent(英翻中) 有才不足傲(English to Chinese) (1篇回復)
- Transform your loved ones with virtue.(英翻中) 凈化所愛 (1篇回復)
- 為兒孫作未來計,十望九空。Schemes to advance posterity (1篇回復)
- 在信仰上,要做正信真理的智者。(中翻英) believe in the truth (0篇回復)
- 用智慧來傳授人生。(中翻英) Share your wisdom with others. (0篇回復)
- Don't put things off,work hard.(英翻中) 能敬業而不偷懶 (0篇回復)
- 儉而能施,仁也。(中翻英) From the thrifty,and gift is generous. (0篇回復)
- 能給歡喜快樂給人,是菩薩情懷。(中翻英) Sharing your joy (0篇回復)
- (英翻中) Don't expect any profit from this world. (0篇回復)
- 人,要從愚癡迷夢中覺醒 (中翻英) Wake from your ignorance (0篇回復)
- Judging disputes requires intelligence. (英翻中) 辨別是非之道 (0篇回復)
- Welcome all people with sympathy.(英翻中)尊重異己他人。 (0篇回復)
- 耳聞不如目見。(中翻英) It is better to see than to hear. (0篇回復)
- Don't fear night,but greet the dawn.(英翻中)要走向黎明。 (0篇回復)
- 用語言讚嘆大眾。(中翻英) Praise others with your tongue. (0篇回復)
- Mutual respect is the key to resolving disputes.(英翻中)「互相體諒」 (0篇回復)
- 生活艱難時,要面對它。(中翻英)When life is hard,face it. (1篇回復)
- In speech,business,friendship,study,care and attention. (英翻中) (0篇回復)
- 環保是對於地球的愛護(中翻英) Ecology means protecting the earth (0篇回復)
- Shared respect makes an honest and noble nation. (英翻中) (0篇回復)
- 世間最貴者,就是尊重生命。(中翻英) is to respect life (0篇回復)
- 不要小看自己,因為人有無限可能(中英對照) (8篇回復)
- 眾善奉行(英文)Do All Good Deeds. (2篇回復)
- 諸惡莫作(英文)Every form of evil cannot be done. (0篇回復)
- Prepare yourself for what may come. 對自己要有憂患意識 (3篇回復)
- To transform greed,learn to be generous. 學習布施改造自己慳貪的性格 (2篇回復)
- Fairness is the key to management. 管理的秘訣: 要公開、公正、公平 (1篇回復)
- Admitting faults leads to correction. 改過才會進步,認錯才能增上。 (1篇回復)
- A great being makes a great vow to benefit others. 能者,懷抱福利大眾 (0篇回復)
- The happiest people have peace of mind. 能在心中尋找和平的人 (0篇回復)
- 慈悲喜捨,為子孫準備美好的未來。Compassion loving-kindness (1篇回復)
- We must be wholesome to survive. 吾人必須要求自己,健全自己 (0篇回復)
- 小人專希望人給,給過就忘。(中英對照 In Chinese and English) (0篇回復)
- 一個人的快樂,不是因為他擁有得多,而是因為他計較得少. (9篇回復)